Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
Carburettor Lore
I stripped the old 276 carb so all the settings are right in the new one. My 276 carb in bits:-
Plan B - oversized screw into throttle stop on original carb body - recut the threads by forcing the screw in a bit at a time. Job done.
Bodged but working - welcome to the real world of old bikes.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Day 2 - Velocette
Today is Velocette Day - time to give the old girl a looking at as she still won't start easily and last time I was out on her she was running a bit rough.
My 1954 Velocette MAC:-
The bit of wood under the centre stand is because the wheels still touch the ground when its on the centre stand due to a hamfisted recovery man and his ratchet straps.
As usual I kicked and kicked and nowt happened. Checked the spark - nice and blue. So I tickled the carb just a little bit and she burst into life (which is much better than bursting into flames). But there was a lot of popping and banging and spitting back through the carb.
MOT checks seemed to be OK. All lights work and theres nowt wrong with the chassis and wheels.
Of course, what normally happens happened - pulled the nipple of the valve lifter cable.
Time to check out the carb - must be running weak if its spitting.
The AMAL 276 carburettor - those of you familar with old junk will note that there is something missing:-
Yup - the throttle stop screw has fallen out. No wonder it was running a bit lean. Ho hum.
And as always, it'll be the threads in the carb which are knackered not the throttle stop screw - but I won't know that til I buy a new one.
More fun tomorrow.
Monday, 19 December 2011
1913 Ariel TT
There is a hole directly below it, which on my bike was plugged with a cheeseheaded screw. This is it without the screw blocking the hole:-
Now, I can't really tell if its breathing through this hole with the timing cover open. I poked a wire up the hole and there wasn't anything blocking it. Refitting the timing gear and sealing the case and I can hear the engine beathing from the hole - wonder if it'll make any difference. Only time will tell.
Timing cover and cams:-
I also replaced the Brammer belt with the T-link belt I used before.
My garage is too full:-
One you drink, one removes gaskets - you choose.
A 1913 gearbox:-
Saturday, 22 October 2011
This is the old one (no kickstart). Got to take the clutch off this for the other box.:-
The 1928 Ariel ohv engine is back on the bench and I'm going to try to get it finished this time:-
A couple of pics for Beales - some of the fleet:-
The old 1954 Velo I had off Den. Must of had it 15 years now. Done a fair few miles on this old un:-
And the 38 Ariel Red Hunter 500 I got off Welch. I've been using this for a fair long while too. Complete with temporary Stealth tank (BBQ paint works a treat):-
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Project `Fast As A Shark'
My return to swimming continues unabated - loads of lengths at the Link Centre today with no coffin dodgers to Managed to do some proper front crawl breathing as well.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Long Overdue Update...

Went to Kemble Airshow:-

Went skatin in Hamburg:-

Bought a surfboard (so far unused):-

Did Deaner Day:-
Went to the Tour of Dean and Annual Rally:-

And finally a business trip to Greenville, South Carolina:-

Sunday, 5 June 2011
Lets Be Friends
Dropping in from the low roof side was interesting the first time but seems OK. Theres a roof beam a bit close to the platform but I didn't hit it so it must be OK.
I started dropping in and running off, then riding a bit up the transition and running off, then wheels over the coping and hitting the wall with the nose then jumping off and finally a kinda halfhearted turn, then jumping off. So progress of a sort. Felt good though and thats what its supposed to be about.
Adventures in Gearboxes

Monday, 30 May 2011
1928 Ariel Gearbox

Matchless G3L and BSA M20 ready for dispatch duties.

How F@?kin Much?
Euros 3.50 for 0.5l!!! Big hand for Movenpick, Gate 77, Dusseldorf Airport.
Robbing bastards.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Slievenamon 2011
My steed for the weekend - 1926 Ariel Model B - 557cc sidevalve single
Couple of old uns - veteran Humber and a Revere.
Early 20's AJS Big Port 350cc
Mid 20's Royal Enfield v-twin

Welch prepares to prepare - 1913 Triumph 500

Another shot showing the complex lever arrangement on the tank.
Flat tank Norton sidevalve - Big 4 or 16H - not sure which.
1920's Rudge Multi

Outside the `coffee' stop in Inistioge on Saturday. We visited this village several times during the weekend. The last time, on Sunday morning, we arrived about 11am. The pub was closed. The owner popped his head out and said `will you be wanting a beer lads? We're not open til 12 but if you come round the back door you'll be alright. Just incase any Garda are about...' And he was right. The pub was quite busy.
All in all a cracking weekend.