Appearing at a skatepark near you very soon
Monday, 31 August 2009
Newport and `Sham 1 and 2
Busy weekend on the skate front - Saturday was the Kill City Jam at Newport Skatepark. Mega busy so not much skating done by me but Gaffer, Bob and the Brizzle boys had a good roll. Will deffo look in there when its quieter. Superb park.
Sunday morning saw me scooting round Corsham accomplishing nothing. Still haven't recovered my drop-ins. Depression was erased by visiting the beer festival in Wroughton that evening. We even won the pub quiz with a shocking score of 18 / 50.
Monday plans were mixed but we ended up at Melksham and I had a nice roll around the Skatelite park with Bob, Muttley and assorted youngsters, managing to dissipate the clouds left by the beer festival.
A good weekend.
Sunday morning saw me scooting round Corsham accomplishing nothing. Still haven't recovered my drop-ins. Depression was erased by visiting the beer festival in Wroughton that evening. We even won the pub quiz with a shocking score of 18 / 50.
Monday plans were mixed but we ended up at Melksham and I had a nice roll around the Skatelite park with Bob, Muttley and assorted youngsters, managing to dissipate the clouds left by the beer festival.
A good weekend.
Friday, 28 August 2009
Surfin Croyde Bay
A long time ago, well 1995 anyway, we were three nobbers - me, Stig and Benno, ably assisted by Jowsey and Slick Rick, all of whom were hooked on snowboarding. Well...except Benno who maintained that skiing was the way forward. Winter 1994/5 was the only time I ever managed to do two weeks in the Alps in one season. We decided, after the usual lengthy drink fuelled discussion, that we also wanted to be surfers.

So, summer 1995 found us heading to Croyde Bay every other weekend and renting huge pop-out mini mals to ride the rampant waves. A bit too rampant as it turned out but we all managed to catch a wave or two, stand up for more than a few seconds and enjoyed telling multitudes of tall tales in the Beach Bar, fuelled by Jamaicas finest Red Stripe. Happy daze.
Fast forward nineteen years and we're off to Croyde on holiday. The campsite we used is now a respectable family site and the Beach bar is closed, now selling holiday rubbish, but Croyde is still as nice as it ever was. And now I have no pretentions of being a surfer, prefering the much easier option - bodyboarding.
And of course
Croyde Bay from the tea shop near Baggy Point on a blustery day:-
Its been a great week really. Lots of bodyboarding, reasonable weather (but it doesn't really make much difference when you're in the water) and a nice cottage round the corner from the Thatch. Ideal.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Over The Hills, But Not Far Away
My lack of exercise and the punishing eating regime of the Holland trip are starting to take their toll - so, a ride out on the MTB was called for. Only 14 miles but up and down a few decent hills. Feel a stack better for it too.
Just back from 5 days in Nederland. Mostly eating, drinking and catching up with the Dutch arm of Family Barnett. Cracking weather and some good company - always enjoy my trip out there. 
Assorted Barnetts (and a Little Leggett):-

Went for a trip to Amsterdam - crazy busy place. Far too many tourists...

Dutch Guinness in Leidseplein - a good attempt but not quite right....C+
More Barnetts:-
Stena Hollandica in Harwich. Nice boat (but not as good as Gaffers...)
Breakfast in Voorschoten Saturday morning:-
Daytrip to Leiden (found the skateshop but it was gesloten). Leiden is a really nice place.
`Do you have them in a size smaller...?'
Dutch Guinness in Leidseplein - a good attempt but not quite right....C+
Next is a week in Croyde....hope the weather holds.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
At Last.....
Monday, 10 August 2009
This Week I have Mostly Been Listening To....

I've had `Never Say Die' running round in my head all weekend. I blame Waj.....
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Ariel Owners Club Annual Rally
This weekend was the Ariel Club Annual Rally in Alsager, Cheshire. I headed up there on Thursday on the 38 VH. The rally basically resolved into a three day drinking session with Wajs and Rollins with guest appearances by Squelchy and Nige and numerous others. Its all a bit vague. Bloody great weekend all in all. Heres a few snaps...
Let There Be Motorbikes:-
You will respect mah authoritah - Officer Partridge heads out on patrol
A strange Brummie bloke:-
Andy and Janey Waj enjoying the sunshine before the onset of heavy drinking:-
Ere - I've got one like that Mister
Care in the Community:-
Huge thanks to all of the Organising Committee and everyone who came along and enjoyed themselves.
Has a mid week skate at Filton with Wayne. Met some of the MAS boys. Lovely evening. Felt much better on my board. Getting up and down things I couldn't before. Nice and mellow.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
This Week I Have Mostly Been Listening To....

Sunday, 2 August 2009
Sunday at The `Sham
Sunday morning session with Wayne, Muttley and Ben down Corsham way. At long last the sun shone. After the traditional sweep of the detritus left behind by Corshams finest I had a really nice skate. Trying hard to carve into turns rather than just go up and down, which seems to improve matters a lot. Need more speed now. A few mini manuals and an attempt or two at ollies sealed a good morning. Still can't drop in though.
Wayne opened his tricks bag and seemed to be really flowing. Muttley is sickeningly smooth and makes grinds look so casual. Ben was ripping as well and had the Slam of the Day award when his trucks hooked up on the big ramp while rock fakieing and he hit the deck with a bang. He bounced back though. No damage done.
Muttley (nice shoes):-
Gaffer trickin for the camera while Ben chews his hand off:-
Wains BBQ
Upholding the Great British tradition of ignoring the weather, Mr and Mrs Wain held a BBQ at Chez Wainer yesterday. Despite persistant rain and a gazebo which was far from waterproof, a good time was had by all. Some strange Japanese tit-bits and traditional BBQ grub sorted the day. The second shift was just getting into its stride as we were leaving. I'm guessing that there were a few fat heads on Sunday.

Fake cider for the masses:-
Wainers and PI - who's the Daddy?
Fishy goings on:-
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